"Annals Of Agricultural Science"

Study of certain factors affecting queen rearing in honeybee colonies on the acceptance rate of grafted queen cells.

Eissa. I.S.;* Hussain. A.E.;* I.A.A. Shehata*, and K.I.M. Helaly**


A study was conducted in the apiary of Sakha Agricultural Research station during season (2006-2007) to evaluate the certain factors affecting queen rearing in honeybee colonies on acceptance percent of grafted queen cups, the double grafting gave the best result of acceptance (88.33% and 85%) followed by wet (80% and 81.66%) for wax and plastic queen cells respectively, while the dry accepted the last order gave (65% and 63.3%), there was high significant difference between the dry and each of wet and double grafting. As respect to the queen cells bar position indicated the lower position of bars gave the best result of acceptance (90%) followed by middle (76.66%) then upper bar which gave (53.3%) there was no difference of acceptance percent found between grafted lower of larvae aged 1 and 2 days, there was found significant differences of acceptance percent among spring, summer and late summer, whereas. The early summer season was the best period for acceptance of queen cells followed by spring then late summer of period. The tested diets (cakes) did not affect on queen cells, where acceptance percent 41.11-56.60% and 40-98.88% for grafted larvae aged 1 and 2 days, respectively.

Key words

queen rearing, honeybee, acceptance