"Annals Of Agricultural Science"

Effect of Bio and Mineral Fertilizers on Vegetative Growth and Productivity of Spring Onion

Abo-Sedera, F.A, M.M. Merghany, Mashraky,F. Janet. and M. A.Sharawy


This study was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, during the two successive winter seasons of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 to study the effect of the combination between chemical fertilizers (NPK) at 100% of the recommended dose and biofertilizers (nitrobeine ,phosphorene and potassaiumage) on vegetative growth, bulb yield and its components as well as yield quality. Obtained results indicated that using nitrobeine as a single or as mixture with biofertilizers resulted in an increase in plant growth. Moreover,caused enhancenment effect on total yield and its components. Also, using bio-fertilizers (nitrobeine, phosphorene and potassaiumage) increased macro mineral in plants at, biofertilizers combined with mineral fertilizer at recommended dose gained the highest values of plant growth as well as total yield characteristics. Other benefits of these treatments include reduction the cost of chemical fertilizers, and reduced pollution of the product with nitrate content.

Key words

Spring onion, NPK, nitrobeine, phosphorene and potassaiumage