"Annals Of Agricultural Science"

Response of strawberry plants to bio fertilization with methylotrophic bacteria and spray with methanol.

Abo-Sedera, F.A1., L.A. Badr1, M. M. ELNagar1, A. Abou EL-Yazied2 and M.S. EL-Badawy1.


Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive seasons of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 in private sector farm at El–Dair village, Kalubia governorate in sandy soil to investigate the response of two strawberry cultivars namely Fortuna and Sweet Charlie to bio fertilization and spray with methylotrophic bacteria (10 cm3/l) as well as methanol (5,10,15 and 20%) on vegetative growth, chemical compostion and productivity of used Strawberry cultivars. Obtained results show that there were significant differences among the studied strawberry cultivars in all measured vegetative growth traits, fruit yield and its components as well as fruit quality. In this respect, cv. Fortuna reflected the highest values of vegetative growth, chemical composition of plant foliage, fruit yield and its components as well as physical fruit quality. Also foliar spraying plants six times with methylotrophic bacteria at 10 cm3/l starting 20 days from transplanting and every 15 days by intervals during the growth season was superior in total fruit yield and marketable yield. Different tested bio-fertilization (methylotrophic bacteria and methanol) enhanced the vegetative growth, chemical constituents of plant foliage, total produced fruit yield and its components as well as fruit quality. In addition, using methylotrophic bacteria at 10 cm3/l and foliar spraying plants six times with methanol at 20% reflected the highest values in all studied growth and yield traits of tested cultivars.

Key words

Strawberry, cv. Fortuna, Sweet Charlie, Methanol, Methylotrophic bacteria, Vegetative growth, fruit yield, fruit quality.