"Annals Of Agricultural Science"

Effect of Two Stimulating Substances on Fruiting and Fruit Quality of Picual and Manzanillo Olive Cultivars.

Emad Girgis Mikhail and Kamal Girgis Goargiuos


This study was carried out through 2012 and 2013 seasons to study the effect of mono-potassium phosphate (MKP) 0.3% and Hokley alpha (naphthalene acetic acid (NAA 0.45%) + naphthalene acetamide (NAD 1.2%) as foliar application on fruiting and fruit quality of “Picual” and “Manzanillo” Picual and Manzanillo olive cvs. planted in a private farm in an orchard 9 years pld at Cairo Alexandria Desert Road planted at 4X 6 meters apart. Most tested treatments revealed positive effects and improved fruit set, yield, fruit characters and fruit oil content. Moreover, the tested treatments reduced the number of dropped fruits and improved fruit retained. The most effective treatment was the spray of MKP at 1st February + Hokley alpha (NAA + NAD) before flowering then at 40 % flowering through enhancing tree yield and oil content, moreover besides reducing alternate bearing.

Key words

olive “Picual”, “Manzanillo” fruit set, yield, oil content, NAA, MKP.